It’s Freekibble’s 10-Year Anniversary! 10 Pieces of Kibble turns into 4 Billion Donated to Shelter Pets!

In April of 2008, we launched to help feed homeless pets at our local shelter, the Humane Society of Central Oregon.

From the beginning, our mission has been to feed as many pets as we can, the very best food we can. Full bellies of good food makes the dogs and cats happier and healthier while they wait to get adopted.

Mimi feeding the very first bowl of food in April, 2008

Mimi feeding a dog at the HSCO in April, 2018

We raised 210 pounds of food that first month and we were happy to make our first delivery of kibble!

As the word got out and more people visited the site, our donations got bigger.Since then, and because of the amazing support of the Freekibble community, we’ve helped 100s of shelters, rescues and food banks across the country with $12 million worth of food and care.

  • Fed over 21 MILLION meals
  • Donated 6 MILLION scoops of litter
  • Vaccinated 130,000 shelter pets
  • Flew over 7,500 pets to safety
  • Saved countless lives through life-saving medical treatments
  • Rescued and cared for 1000s of pets impacted by disasters
  • You’ve been helping us feed the wonderful cats at The Cat House on the Kings for 10 years

    Jasper, one of the millions of pets you have helped us feed

    It amazes me the impact Freekibble has had over the last 10-years in helping feed and care for animals in need. From that first 10 pieces of kibble, to nearly 4 billion today, all from answering a daily trivia question about dogs and cats. I want to thank everyone who’s helped along the way and who continue to support Freekibble.

    none of this could have happened with out you!

    I also want to thank Halo and GreaterGood for their support of Freekibble, and their commitment to help feed and care for shelter pets.

    Here’s to the next 10 years!


    Click here to sign up for a daily email reminder to help feed shelter pets every day!