A Senior Dog Followed Her Home From Work. Then She Slept On Their Porch And Refused To Leave

A woman, named Chelsee Lopez, was driving home from work at one in the morning when she saw a black senior dog running next to her car. At first, she was afraid the dog would be aggressive since she was so big, but once she got out of her car, she realized the pup was actually really sweet.

“I noticed that she didn’t have a collar but her fur on her neck looked like there used to be one there,” Lopez told The Dodo. “I could tell she was a family dog, so I assumed she just got out of someone’s yard or something.”

Chelsee Lopez

Chelsee Lopez

Before going to bed, she left out some food or water on her front porch for the lost dog, thinking that eventually she’d find her way home the next day. But the dog never left the porch. Lopez played with her before going to class, but when she got home, the dog was still there.

She then snapped a few photos of the dog and walked around the neighborhood to see if anyone recognized her. The dog followed her around the whole time, never leaving her side. All she wanted was attention and love.

Chelsee Lopez

Chelsee Lopez

Lopez and her husband let the dog stay in their house that night. The next day she was brought to their local animal shelter, while they waited for her owners to claim her. In the meantime, Lopez couldn’t stop thinking about the pup. She visited her at the shelter as often as she could, hoping her family would come to get her.

Chelsee Lopez

Chelsee Lopez

But no one ever came. A week later, she was put up for adoption, and Lopez and her husband wasted no time driving to the shelter to get her. It’s unknown where he old family was, or if she even had one, but now she is safe and will be loved for the rest of her life.

Chelsee Lopez

Chelsee Lopez

The couple named her Maggie. They already had another dog at home, named Charlie, who suffered from severe separation anxiety. He was afraid of everything and the couple feared he wouldn’t get along with Maggie. But it seems it was meant to be!

Chelsee Lopez

Chelsee Lopez

The dogs fell in love with each other, and Maggie helps calm Charlie down when the couple leaves the house. “He no longer barks when we leave the house, as long as Maggie is there,” Lopez told The Dodo. “She is the glue to the family.”

Five months later, they decided to adopt another pup named Moko. He was a timid, nervous dog, but came out of his shell once he met Maggie.

Chelsee Lopez

Chelsee Lopez

Recently, Maggie was diagnosed with diabetes, so now the couple makes sure to get Maggie out as much as possible to experience everything and anything before she potentially lost her eyesight (a possible side effect of diabetes).

In the following months, Maggie’s eyesight has gotten a lot worse, but she is still an extremely happy dog and loves life. She still loves to play and do all of the things she’s always enjoyed. She loves spending time with her family, human and dogs. Lopez believes Maggie was meant for them, and this story just proves that to be true!

Chelsee Lopez

Chelsee Lopez