A Mailman Delivers Something Special To Neighborhood Dog

A man from New Zealand named Michael Collins wanted to give his mailman a big shout out on Facebook for doing something extra special. Whether Collins has mail or not, his postman never fails to stop at the fence and say “hello” to his dog. Many in the area feel Collins’ dog is unapproachable due to his large size and occasional big bark. But this postman couldn’t care less. He sees the dog for what he truly is: a big, sweet mush!

This video will give you the warm and fuzzies for sure! It shows us how a little bit of humanity can go a long way. Collins posted this video hoping to reach the mailman and say thank you. Thank you for being kind, thank you for not judging my dog like others do, thank you for going that extra mile just to make my dog feel loved.

This video is so sweet, my teeth hurt! I LOVE THIS!

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