Thank You for Helping Soldiers Save Dogs from War Zones – and Then Take Them Home!

Toz with his solider dad.

Every time we’ve asked the Freekibble Community to help reunite soldiers with the pets they’ve rescued on tour, you’ve stepped up to do it.

The dogs these soldiers have rescued, have in turn saved the soldier… making life bearable while on tour, becoming their inseparable companions and lifting their spirits. With your help, we’ve been able to reunite them when they return home to the U.S.

From Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Georgia, ALL the puppies and dogs shown below, were rescued and reunited with their soldier dad or mom.

Charlie with his soldier mom.


Potato with his soldier dad.

Khaleesi and Romeo.

Jada and Urden.


Tali with her soldier mom.



A heartfelt thank you to all of you who’ve helped keep these soldiers and their beloved companions together! Click here if you’d like to support reuniting a solider with their puppy!